Full Root-level Access in VPS Servers
You can take care of your new VPS servers at the root level regardless of the package that you have selected, as long as the server is ordered with either the cPanel or the DirectAdmin web hosting Control Panel, or with no Control Panel at all. In the first case, many system settings can be controlled via an easy to navigate web-based interface, while in the second, you'll need to do everything through a console, unless you decide to set up a Control Panel yourself. In either case, you'll have full control over the VPS and any system or custom content on it at all times, which makes this kind of hosting perfect for any application that you can't run with a shared web hosting account due to the restricted level of access - frameworks, VoIP and audio/video streaming software, etc. The final VPS Control Panel alternative is Hepsia, but the root access to your server will be restricted.
Full Root-level Access in Dedicated Servers
When you get one of the dedicated servers that we provide, you'll have full root-level access and you'll be able to do anything that you are unable to do using a shared web hosting account - to change the server-side PHP settings, to install frameworks or media streaming software, and the like. You may order the server without hosting Control Panel and do everything from a console, unless you set up a third-party tool, or you can order it with cPanel or DirectAdmin and use a web-based graphical interface to control your sites and many system settings. In all three cases, you'll have complete control over the server. The huge amount of system resources that you will have makes our dedicated plans the best choice for any type of content that you want to have. The servers that are ordered with the Hepsia Control Panel are simpler to maintain, but the root access to such a server will be limited.