ImageMagick and GD Library in Web Hosting
All of the Linux web hosting service that we provide are set up on our advanced cloud platform and due to the fact that both GD Library and ImageMagick are present on it, your script applications will be able to use these software suites at any time. The libraries are accessible with all the PHP versions that we offer as we support PHP 4 and a couple of versions of PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8. Regardless if you use a custom-made script, one of the applications that you can install through the Hepsia Control Panel or a third-party application that you find on the worldwide web, you will be able to build feature-rich multimedia websites, for instance image galleries or socially-oriented portals where both you and the visitors will be able to work with graphs as well as images in real time as long as the script features such options.
ImageMagick and GD Library in Semi-dedicated Servers
You can run any kind of script application that requires GD Library or ImageMagick to create charts or work with images, as both are set up and activated as standard on the cloud website hosting platform where all of the semi-dedicated server accounts are created. Even though you may upgrade the PHP version for your account, you won't have to do anything in order to re-enable these libraries because they shall be accessible at all times. This way, you've got plenty of alternatives in respect to what attributes you and your site visitors can use, regardless of whether you write the website code yourself, you use one of our pre-installed script apps or you download and set up some app that you've found online. You are able to use all the popular formats for the photos that you upload.