Webmail RoundCube in Web Hosting
In case you have a Linux web hosting service from our company, you will be able to make use of Roundcube, a high level webmail application. You're able to access it through the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which is used to manage the account, or directly by entering a URL inside your browser and then entering your e-mail and the password for it. You'll be also able to open the app under your own URL http://webmail.your-domain.com if the emails are employed by a business as well as an enterprise, for example. Roundcube contains practically all the features that you could need from an email client and you can now conveniently create various identities for a particular e-mail address, create and implement an address book, make folders or HTML signatures, pick the time zone based on your location currently, and even more.
Webmail RoundCube in Semi-dedicated Servers
With a semi-dedicated server plan from us, it is possible to manage your electronic correspondence through the feature-rich Roundcube webmail application. The app is very easy to use and comes with a great deal of capabilities that you can find in a desktop email app like making aliases, an address book or custom HTML signatures. If you travel around, you're able to change the time zone for every mailbox with just a number of mouse clicks. You can log in to a mail box either by simply clicking on it in the Emails section of the Hepsia Hosting Control Panel or simply by entering the e mail and its password on the webmail login web page. If you host a company or an organization site, it's also possible to create a customized URL with your domain where the employees are able to log in to their web mail. With Roundcube, you'll be able to keep track of your e-mail communication from any location or any device.